The mission of Gov[ernment] Sum[mary]

The purpose of this project is twofold and is as follows:

  1. Help you get information directly rather than getting it second hand. People tend to not have time to fully read and comprehend what is going on in government. This project attempts to present a summary of that data with the intention of getting you thinking. The hope is that you will go read more from the source. Don’t rely entirely on these summaries. This site takes humans (other than you) out of the equation. Do your own homework. Get educated. Form your own opinion.

  2. To learn more about technology as well as keep up with government affairs. I wanted to learn Python. I wanted to learn more about cloud technologies. I wanted to better understand AI. I wanted to get an unbiased briefing of what was going on in my government. So, I built this.

I think it is important to be transparent about not only the mission of this site, but also the technologies used to build and host it. Anyone consuming, quoting or sharing this material should understand the following:

  • I did not author or review any of the material on this site. Read at your own risk and most importantly, use your brain!

  • I do not take any responsibility for what anyone does with any of the material on this site or for the material itself as it is an AI generated summary of other data sources.

  • The material is intended to be non-biased but factual, meaning the content used to generate this material is factual (links to materials from the current administration, the senate, house etc.) and the prompts are written in a manner that promotes a non-biased response | however | it is still AI.

  • If you don’t like or agree, that is fine! but I accept no communications, feedback or answer any inquiries. It is fine to not like or agree with something and just move on.

  • If you find yourself questioning the accuracy of any material found on this site, please follow the source link and read the original data source in its entirety. Everything here was summarized by AI, and it is not perfect!

Technology Stack

Cloud infrastructure & AI:

  • Simple Storage Service (S3): Used to store and host all pages and other static content.

  • DynamoDB: Used to track new/existing posts/links to avoid duplication and maintain history.

  • Lambda: Used for automating AI content generation, management and publishing.

  • Route 53: Used for DNS and traffic routing to the site.

  • Google Gemini: Used for summarizing the content found at the source links.

Application Development:

  • Python 3.12: Python was used for the development of all automation of content generation and posting.

  • Jekyll: jekyll is used to compile and present the AI generated (and any other) content.

If I end up finding that this site becomes popular or there is some sort of demand for the content, I may decide to expand and/or improve upon it. For now, it is a side project for my own learning purposes.