Welcome to Gov[ernment] Sum[mary].

The intention of this site is to provide an un-biased, AI generated summary of Government related content. This content is publicly available (and also referenced in each post on GovSum) for anyone to read in its entirety.

This site is (apart from this and the transparency page) entirely generated by Artificial Intelligence. Each Sum[mary] includes a link to the source used to generate it. I encourage you to go and read the complete article if a topic that you find here is of interest, so that you are fully informed.

What you will find at this site:

  • Sum[mary] articles generated by Artificial Intelligence [AI] of materials posted on publicly facing Gov[ernment] websites.

What you will NOT find on this site:

  • Opinion, expressions of feeling or emotion, empathy or bias towards any political party, movement or idiology.

  • Forums, discussion boards, contact information or any other form of interaction from another carbon based life form.

Obligatory Disclaimer:

  • I take no responsibility for any information posted on this site. It is fully automated with no intervention on my part.

  • This site is not perfect. None of it. And I am fine with that. It is a learning project, and therefore not a priority.

  • Do not try to contact me. I am not discussing politics, chatting about sports or anyone’s cat/dog pictures.

I hope that you enjoy the content (or not, I do not care). Feel free to share any materials that you find interesting.